Where is the Time Going?

I know it’s still fall, but it sure feels like winter around here. Of course, by “around here,” I mean in my office, where the frigid temperatures have us all wearing coats. I brought in a blanket for my legs, and am now contemplating going to the store to look for fuzzy slippers. Subconsciously, I tell myself I don’t want to go outside into the rainy afternoon. “It’s too cold!” But seriously, it’s probably warmer out there (albeit wetter).

I fear we’re getting to the time of year when photo shoots are going to be sparse. On top of that, my daughter’s visiting for the next month, which is AWESOME! but also changes our schedule around – more shopping, less photography.

To add insult to injury, I’m in the second week of an online master’s program, so it feels like every waking second is consumed by reading boring tomes, trying to figure out what the heck APA formatting is and why I should bother, and writing. Lots of writing.

So consider this my pre-apology if things get sparse around here. I’ll check in as time allows, and I’m confident it will allow more and more as I get my feet under me and figure out the whole self-scheduling thing. Feel free to check in from time to time to hold me accountable for my school deadlines. 🙂

In the meantime, here’s a fuzzy caterpillar to make us all feel better about Thursday.


Double rainbow!

And this one went all the way. A full rainbow tonight (after a major thunderstorm), though the double was only on the “pot of gold” ends. And even with a wide-angle lens, I couldn’t get the whole thing in the frame, so instead, you just get both sides.



Dreaming of Spring

It’s coming, the groundhog said so. In the meantime, I’ll just dream of the day a few weeks from now when we get to enjoy daffodils again.