Travel Photo Mondays

Finally getting around to joining Noel and his crew on their Travel Photo Mondays. Noel’s post inspired me to share some of my photos of Rome, or other cities in Italy, but then, I thought, “so many people have seen those places. Far fewer have seen the state park in Idaho where I was last week.” Less “travel,” and more “road trip” for me, but for you, it would mean travel, I’m almost certain!

Last week, we joined a friend, who is a local community college photography instructor, and two of his photography classes, on a field trip to Thousand Springs State Park, near Hagerman, Idaho.


The main event. One of many, many waterfalls at the park.

We spent a couple hours on Ritter Island, which was a working dairy many years ago. The outbuildings and milk barn remain, as do many worn-down pieces of farm equipment.


The milk barn.


Old tires inside the milk barn.

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Ceiling in the hay loft.

Two images of the coolest pipe I’d ever seen. Made of wood held together by metal, this pipe led from one of the waterfalls (where it captured the water) under the public access road, to an Idaho Power generating plant far down the hill.

I’m going to imprint this on my mental calendar for future Mondays. Fun to think of all the travel photos I could share!

What do you think?